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January 26, 2008


Good post, Whitney. It made me think. I even wrote in response on my blog. I do think that the power of the written word is something that we should never take lightly. Was it Benjamin Franklin that said "Never argue with a man that buys his ink by the barrel"?


And for those of us who haven't pursued our potential enough to know what it is, let alone when we've reached it, are we setting a low expectation or even a bad example for our children, whose potential we can see and expect them to use fully? Am I oppressing my children with my outward lack of drive? Do I really expect them to be interested in the journal of my average life?

Permission. It's a tough word for women. Do we give ourselves permission to be successful both in and out side the home? I just had lunch with a friend and we brainstormed about the language we use to describe our availbility within the worforce "I can't becuase I need to get home v. that doesn't work for my schedule, how about 8am tomorrow morning". Do we give ourselves permission and then do we own our decision (v. feeling guilty about the choices we make)...
Great post Whitney!

Whitney you have been tagged. Go to my blog for the rules. I was serious today but the person that tagged me was totally light hearted. Have fun.


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  • When I took a sabbatical from Wall Street to pursue a different dream and help others live theirs, I learned that women in the U.S. may be placated, even pampered, but because we aren't dreaming, we are also desperate and depressed. Drawing on a variety of sources, ranging from academic studies to pop culture, dare to dream encourages us to dream. And then to act on our dreams.


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