There is something powerful about writing down our dreams in the form of a personal creed or declaration. Thank you to Jennifer Johnson, the founder and president of Coraticum Asset Management (bio below), for sharing hers with us.
May Fortune and Failure Not Deter Me
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And meet those two impostors just the same..
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And-which is more-you'll be a [Woman my daughter]!
-Rudyard Kipling
These words regarding triumph and disaster initially seemed to me to be glib or even poor advice. Why should we not celebrate successes and mourn our losses?
Is it not human to do so?
But there is danger in adulation. Fame incessantly calls for a pause to acknowledge and to enjoy the appreciating crowds, creating friction in moving toward greater achievement. With the brilliance of artificial lights in one's eyes and the deafening applause in one's ears, it is difficult to see and think clearly, making it impossible to see what is in the shadows or to hear what is whispered.
Source: istockphoto
However, Ms. Nightingale's greatest accomplishment came after she had achieved notoriety, when she took on the greatest bureaucracy of her day, the British War Department, thereby not only making permanent her work for nursing, but also institutionalizing more human treatment of the foot soldier.
At 67 years old, a fire wiped out many of his profitable enterprises. Edison reportedly said, "We'll build up bigger and better than ever. Why should I be downhearted?" Not many people immediately look upon a pile of ash as an opportunity for something bigger and better. A trusted assistant once wrote "Edison is indefatigable. No kind of failure, however disastrous affects him."
It is so easy to mistake my accomplishments or errors as permanent and associate them with my intrinsic value.
I don't want it to be this way.
I therefore hereby commit my energies, concentration, and resources to view all my seeming successes and failures as stepping stones of learning and opportunity.
Have you ever composed a personal creed, written down your dreams?
What important contributions might you have not made had you stopped after an early success?
I've written about the limelight in The Galadriel Test, but never about failure. I'm intrigued by Jennifer's discussion; our failures can not only debilitate us, but also our posterity. Has this ever happened to you?
Do you have a personal creed and/or dream that you would be willing to share?
Jennifer Johnson, CFA, is the founder and president of Coraticum Asset Management. She is also the fund manager, directing and executing all investment strategies. Ms. Johnson graduated magna cum laude with a bachelor of science degree from Brigham Young Univeristy and later returned to receive an MBA degree from the Marriott School of Management. From 2001 through 2006, Ms. Johnson worked as an equity portfolio manager at Ensign Peak Advisors, the investment affiliate of the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Her commitment to lifelong learning includes the completion of the CFA program (2006) and two sequential language immersion programs at the Spanish Language School of Middlebury College in Vermont.