Melissa Stanton is the author of The Stay-at-Home Survival Guide: Field-tested strategies for staying smart, sane, and connected while caring for your kids, which was published last year by Seal Press/Perseus Books. Prior to becoming a Stay-at-Home mom, Melissa was an editor at People and LIFE magazines. Her articles have appeared in The New York Times, Glamour, Parenting, Redbook, and Organize. She lives with her family in a rural suburb of Washington, D.C.
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Was it my dream to be a stay-at-home mom?
No, at least I didn’t think so. But I’ve recently realized that becoming a stay-at-home mom, which I’ve been for nearly eight years, might have been an unintentional dream come true.
This past year, for the first time in my stay-at-home career (yes, career, more about that later), all three of my children—a boy, now 11, and twin six-year-old girls—were in full-day school. With my newfound freedom I started working through my giant To Do List, which had gotten significantly longer during my years of caring for small children. One of the biggest tasks on the list has been to go through two decades worth of files and boxes that my husband and I have accumulated from various jobs, degrees and homes.
A few weeks ago I was sorting through boxes from when I left my job at People magazine, where I was a senior editor. At the time, a confluence of events—my husband taking a job in Baltimore when his Wall Street-area employer hit hard times, my being a weekday single mother with a demanding career and long commute, September 11—led me to conclude that I needed to work a different way, and live a different way. I decided that the traditional course of working full-throttle until I retired, got laid off or died wasn’t working for me.
In the chaos surrounding my decision to leave a career I had aspired to and worked hard at for more than 15 years, I didn’t realize I was making one of my dreams come true. Nine months earlier I had participated in a career development workshop. As is true at many corporations, staffers at my company were encouraged to attend these programs, which most of us groaned through, as I did with the “empowerment” class I attended. The instructor told us to write down three personal goals we wanted to achieve within a year. The activity’s mantra:
“Don’t just think it, ink it.”
As I sorted through the old work papers, I found the class handout and my scribbled list of goals:
- I will have a family-friendlier career.
- I will have a second child.
- My husband and I will be more financially secure and able to pay down some debt.
It turns out that within a year of “inking” those goals, I had achieved each one—although not in ways I ever imagined.
- After leaving People, I started freelance writing from home and working very part-time at a local Williams-Sonoma. The job wasn’t a career, but it was family-friendly, and after years of climbing the corporate ladder working an hourly retail job was fun.
- Baby Number 2 materialized as Numbers 2 and 3.
- My husband’s new job enabled us to get by on one income, and selling our New Jersey home bought us a larger home in Maryland with money to spare.
My goals (or dreams?) had come true.
The experience of navigating the huge transition from an active work life to a life dominated by domesticity led to another goal, or dream. I wanted to combine my “past life” as a writer and editor with my new life as a stay-at-home mom by writing a realistic, non-Mommy Wars “support-group-in-a-book” for, as one reviewer would so aptly describe, “any mom who has felt she has the best job in the world, and the worst job in the world, all within a two-minute time frame.”
While some women love every minute of being a stay-at-home mom—and are, in fact, living their dream—many others struggle with the demands of being a 24/7 at-home mom. To them, stay-at-home motherhood isn’t necessarily a calling. And that’s okay. I believe stay-at-home parenting is a job, and stay-at-home moms are “working moms.” We work as moms. No one loves their job every minute of the day. Not always loving stay-at-home motherhood doesn’t mean a woman is a bad mother, or that she regrets leaving the workforce, or that she doesn’t love her kids or appreciate her good fortunes. It just means she needs a break, and she needs interests and activities independent of caring for kids.
(To naysayers who gripe that stay home moms are “lucky not to work” and shouldn’t complain, I respond: “Imagine if you lived and worked in your office. Imagine if you were on active duty for an 18-hour-plus shift every day, and then you were on-call. Imagine if anytime you left the office your boss, colleagues and direct reports came with you!” Enough said.)
After many, many rejections from agents and publishers who didn’t want to do a “stay-at-home mommy book,” or else wanted a book with a “strong” platform (“Mothers should stay home with their children” or “Mothers should stay in the workforce”), my pitch landed on the desk of an editor who had once been a stay-at-home mom. She understood the need for the book (which I researched and wrote at night while I cared for my kids by day) and championed it to publication.
Would the former me have ever dreamed that I’d someday write a book about stay-at-home motherhood? Absolutely not. But just as dreamers need to live in the real world, dreams—manifested as goals—emerge from our realities. (emphasis added)
My new dreams, which I’ll dare to “ink” here and not just think, are to:
- Write a “support-group-in-a-book” for stay-at-home moms seeking to re-enter the paid workforce.
- Re-enter the paid workforce myself, with a truly family-friendly career that allows me to earn decent money and do significant, professional-level work without having to sacrifice myself and my family to my job. (Unlike the last time, I’m making my current goals a bit more specific.)
What dreams would you dare to ink and not just think?
At the beginning of a new year, instead of writing out New Year's Resolutions, have you ever written down what you wanted to accomplish (without resolving to, just sort of a 'nice-to-do-' list) and gone back a year or two later, and recognized that the mere act of 'inking it', moved you toward making something happen?
"Is there anything you'd like to dare to ink and not just think?" Great question! I can't wait to check in with Melissa in 1-2 years and see how her dreams have unfolded.
Now that she's 'dared to ink', any thoughts on how we can help Melissa make her dreams happen?
After leaving a comment here, click through to Melissa's blog and sign up to win her Stay-At-Home-Survival Guide.
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I'll be really interested in reading your book, as well as your book to be when my children are all in school as well. You've inspired me to put more of my think-its down with ink.
Posted by: amy jo | June 16, 2009 at 11:27 PM
I am not sure what to suggest about how to make Melissa's dreams happen, except "keep going."
You have inspired me to write-it-down. I keep saying I will do that...
Posted by: Dana King | June 17, 2009 at 09:11 AM
I'm wondering, did you only "ink" once? Did you even remember writing them down? How much can we accomplish with our subconscious? If I had any idea what to do, or how to do it after being a SAHM, I'd tell you. I'm still happily staying home (as I near my 150,000 mile mark on the suburban), but someday my kids'll be gone and I'll probably need help then. Think your book will be finished?
Posted by: Lisle | June 17, 2009 at 01:34 PM
Your book sounds very interesting. I spent some time at your blog today, and found the purpose and perspective to be truly supportive.
I appreciated the wisdom you shared in this post. Inking dreams does make them seem more real and purposeful. Great advice!
Posted by: Rebecca | June 17, 2009 at 02:05 PM
I love this phrase. It is catchy and sounds kind of fun--which is what goal setting should be. I just "inked" a WHOLE wack of stuff! Thanks for inspiring me to get down to it.
Posted by: Mercedes | June 17, 2009 at 08:58 PM
I've found that the "Don't just think it, ink it" concept is a very effective tool for accomplishing goals. So much so, that because I struggle with a fear of commitment, sometimes I really resist 'inking' something because it becomes all the more real (therefore, scary for me), once it's written down. So, good for you for having the courage to 'ink' your goals in such a public forum, and good luck achieving them!
Posted by: Rachael | June 17, 2009 at 09:41 PM
My dad was always big on writing down our goals. Every week we had a 'Sunday session' where we'd review our yearly and monthly goals in order to come up with some priority goals for the week.....a little overboard maybe, but I'm so thankful to have learned the importance of writing things down. I think that most dreams are first 'spiritually/mentally' created before they become real....
Posted by: Saydi | June 17, 2009 at 11:45 PM
Hello Ladies: Thank you all for your comments.
SADYI: Wow! Maybe your Dad came up with "Don't just think it, ink it."
RACHAEL: Yes, I really put myself out there by making my two goals public. (Yikes!) Fortunately I didn't put a time frame.
MERCEDES: Glad I inspired you to write down your goals.
REBECCA: Thank you so much for visiting my blog.
LISLE: In answer to your question. That exercise was the first and only time I "inked" goals so specifically like that. Prior to finding the notes I did remember having participated in the activity in the class (we had to discuss our goals with a classmate), but I'd forgotten what the precise goals were and that I had written them down.
DANA: Thanks for the encouragement.
AMY: I'm glad you're inspired to ink your think-its, and I do hope you read the book.
As for book #2. My former publisher is passing on the book due to massive staff reductions and a greatly reduced book list. I'm trying to find an agent who will help me find a new publisher. The book biz is a tough nut for non-celebs to crack.
Posted by: Melissa | June 18, 2009 at 02:10 AM
Inspiring. I really need to ink some dreams of my own. I saw a quote from Peter Walsh the other day that had to do with organizing, but it applies here, I think. He said that our brains are for coming up with ideas, not for storing them. We need to write our ideas down. Same thing with our dreams and goals.
Posted by: Macy | June 18, 2009 at 08:35 AM
This couldn't be morely timely. It seems like balancing work and family is THE question of our generation. Well said Melis
Posted by: CK Woolley | June 18, 2009 at 03:53 PM
I ink my goals often; in the form of to-do lists and motivational posters--it does help, but since the audience is the people who pass by the refrigerator, I feel less threatened if I don't actually follow through with one of my goals. I don't know if I'm ready to really put it out there... Good luck with your newest list! GO Melissa!
Posted by: Jenny | June 18, 2009 at 09:59 PM