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June 09, 2009


This was just lovely and your candid yet thoughtful conclusion of what you are doing on the micro level resonated with me. Is this not the same principle that God instructed Joseph Smith: by the simple things of this world...Loved it and BTW your children are lovely.

Lovely, lovely.
"Motherhood is perhaps the greatest example of a long, long string of small things that, done with great love and extra thought, can have ripple effects that go on for generations."
To stop and consider the above thought puts me in a serene place. I ought to vinyl letter it above my kitchen sink.
Five in Five gives me the mental image of you, riding a unicycle, with five kids on top of your shoulders in a lovely formation... SUCH HARD! WORK, but you look so graceful.

Thank you! Your post makes me feel better about my choice to only worry about the things that I can actually do. Your words kind of crystallize the thought that I don't need to worry so much about the things I can't do, and focus on the things that I CAN.

I have always appreciated your candid honesty and talent for explaining what I often feel and usually have a hard time explaining. I also appreciated your invitation on your own blog to answer some of those hard questions for myself and I plan to find the time to consider my own purpose the impact I am on those around me. Thanks, Saren!

I feel as if this puts into words my feelings about motherhood and all the little mundane things we do each day. Not that those things are important, but it's part of a process that can produce so much more greater things - our children and their contributions to society, and the effect they can have on future generations. Well done.

I am not a mother, but I can definitely relate to the feeling that the little, mundane things one does each day aren't really getting me anywhere or making a difference in the world. I fold the laundry, wipe down the kitchen counter over and over, clean the bathroom, say hello to a person in the elevator, lug the 12 pack of Diet Coke home from CVS, pet a puppy on the street - similar things that everybody, mother or not, does almost every day. It's easy to diminish the micro.

But it's the micro that keeps it all "oiled" and going. It's showing up and doing it, day in - day out, in whatever sphere you are in.

Saren -- your kids are lovely. i really liked the first photo of your family: two sleepy newborns, one upset little girl, two little boys who look like they'd rather be playing than posing for a picture.

i loved it because i think it shows in such a candid way how demanding being a mother can be. thinking about solutions to macro level problems is hard when you have five little people with five agendas living in your house!

i'm not a mother either but i really like janna's comment about doing the small and mundane things to keep the machine oiled and running. i have a hard time reading a book, writing, or even watching TV unless the space i'll be using is clean and tidy. in doing the small things, like cleaning, i prepare and environment in which bigger things are possible. you are SO right the macro doesn't happen without the micro.

Mercedes - You perfectly conveyed my meaning! Thanks. I was having a hard time finding the words.

Thanks for sharing these thoughts with us! Having a set of twins in my quiver, I can totally relate with the "Happy, happy family" photo! I have learned so much about mothering from reading your mom's books and reading your sister's blog, and now I'm excited to learn from you as well! I also gain so much inspiration from Mother Theresa, especially the story where she was feeling so overwhelmed by all of the needy people in Calcutta. She desperately wanted to help all of them, but knew she physically could not. In frustration, she prayed and received the answer, "Minister to the one nearest you." I love that answer and, as a mother, get to implement it everyday. Thanks again for helping us put this mothering adventure into perspective.

Thank you for writing this. As a mom, it is so easy to get lost in the minutia of the day and lose sight of the fact that every hug, every kiss, even every glance, is deeply significant to our children. I also love your "ripple effects" summation. Beautiful.

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  • When I took a sabbatical from Wall Street to pursue a different dream and help others live theirs, I learned that women in the U.S. may be placated, even pampered, but because we aren't dreaming, we are also desperate and depressed. Drawing on a variety of sources, ranging from academic studies to pop culture, dare to dream encourages us to dream. And then to act on our dreams.


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