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September 07, 2009


What a GREAT post. I find it so enlightening to realize that, while we can be "in charge" of our destiny to some degree, we are also living our futures day-by-day. Some times I feel powerless to steer my future, and other days I feel empowered by not knowing exactly what's next for me. (Potential is BIG!) Thanks Lori Lyn~ and happy trails as you embark on your MLA journey!

I too graduated from BYU single, which wasn't exactly a surprise as I loved dreaming about and accomlishing all the potential things I could do on my own. I heard Pres. Kimball say that after living in an area for a year, and doing everything you should be doing, pray and ask where you should go to meet a husband, and move there. It worked so fast I've put some of my dreams on the back burner for a while. But it was so fun to be single!!! My husband IS history and we love genealogy. We'd get along famously. Good luck in your new ventures!

I'm so excited to hear your lecture on colonial women in Oct. I admire that you've continued to develop your interests and career path since BYU. Things may not be according to your original plan, but things rarely work out according to Plan A anyhow...what we do with all of the opportunities and forks in the road make us who we are. Thanks for sharing this lovely post, Lori Lyn....see you soon!

You have been able to dream and achieve because you have such a positive attitude. We all have different paths and many detours we never planned, but we life is great if you keep learning and growing.

It's interesting to me that you had gone to college planning to become a SAH mom. I went to college thinking I'd likely never marry, or have kids ... and alas both of those things happened, and I even became a SAH mom. I do sometimes think about the career and life I might have now if a husband and children didn't put me on a different path. I guess we all wonder about the path not taken or found. There are real pros and real cons to each scenarios--kids, no career vs. career, no kids. I think the best solution, and often the hardest to achieve, is something in the middle. Thanks for sharing your story.

I love the concept of "bridging to your future." I admire that you have found parts of your "past" that allow you to uniquely contribute to a completely different area, and bless and educate others in the process. Too often we think our "previous" lives have nothing to do with where we want to go, and consider our unrelated experiences a liability instead of a bonus.

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  • When I took a sabbatical from Wall Street to pursue a different dream and help others live theirs, I learned that women in the U.S. may be placated, even pampered, but because we aren't dreaming, we are also desperate and depressed. Drawing on a variety of sources, ranging from academic studies to pop culture, dare to dream encourages us to dream. And then to act on our dreams.


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