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April 30, 2010


Rachel, I've always admired you - I love the thoughts you shared here and definitely identify with them. This post-college stage has so many possibilities, but it's the first experienced that I've really had with an unscripted life. I've been amazed, though, that when I decided to devote my days to whatever cause I was "supposed" to, I was (and still am) given countless experiences that refine me. I never imagined myself in this place, but I think I'm learning much more now than I ever did in school. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

I've had the "now what?" question pop up this last year as my youngest is nearing pre-school. Having all of my kids in school seems like a natural crossroads. I'm going back to school without a clear idea of my end dream, and I'm surprisingly o.k. with that. It's kind of exciting actually, especially since I truly believe that opportunities arise, things fall into place, and paths are forged on a great deal of faith (& effort).
Your path sounds wonderful!

Rachel - I love the image of pulling on the wheat to make it grow faster. That applies to so many things in life. Best of luck!

Rachel, what a great parable. So important to plant, water, weed and let things grow on their own. It's easier as faith and trust grow. Thanks for sharing this!

Beautiful, Rachel. What a powerful metaphor. Best of luck in DC!

Rachel--what a great reminder for all of us. We have always been proud of you and are excited to see the difference that you and Scott will continue to make in this world as time unfolds.

Wonderful post, Rachel. I love your ability to embrace all possibility.

Of all the high minded things I could apply this to it is, currently, well applicable to my efforts to potty train my three year old. I am realizing that I am not the easy-going, patient person I thought myself to be...and as a result it is I that am withering.

Maybe next month I can go back to applying this to something...a little more interesting.

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  • When I took a sabbatical from Wall Street to pursue a different dream and help others live theirs, I learned that women in the U.S. may be placated, even pampered, but because we aren't dreaming, we are also desperate and depressed. Drawing on a variety of sources, ranging from academic studies to pop culture, dare to dream encourages us to dream. And then to act on our dreams.


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