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July 23, 2010


What a great concept. I'm going to set up some dates with my dreams today - it's time to see if they have long-term relationship potential.

You are inspiring Kristy. I'm interested in helping you plan your conference.

Love the conference idea. I wonder if it can be televised on BYU tv for women who can't attend. I'd love to see it be inclusive of all moms. I am an empty nester but still want LDS support and networking opportunities. Single sisters may enjoy it too.

Dating is a wonderful term for exploring! I am my finishing up my last career change of becoming a science teacher. My very long date was teaching math for half a year. I thought this relationship better be worth all the education I needed to become married to my career as a teacher. (at least I will be married during my time in the classroom)

Kristy, I love your idea of a business conference for women. I've been dating event planning off and on for several years now; would be happy to share what I know and help with the conference.

"Outside of those tasks I am duty-bound to perform, I really want to love what I’m doing.... is not the feeling I want associated with my free time"

The statements above kind of woke me up. I think I have been doing too many thing I do not love. I am going to give this some serious thought.

Thank you Kristy. I love the idea of a business conference at BYU, I would love to help.

Thanks for all of your wonderful comments. For those interested in supporting the conference, please email me at [email protected] . I look forward to connecting with you! To Dana, we would like to have it filmed - if not televised, perhaps accessible via internet links. And we definitely want it to be inclusive of both married and single women (and empty nesters!).

I am excited about the idea of a business conference at BYU, and would love to help. I also loved your comments and am using your ideas to find some dreams I can date.

Kristy - did this Conference take place, how did it turn out and will you do another one?

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  • When I took a sabbatical from Wall Street to pursue a different dream and help others live theirs, I learned that women in the U.S. may be placated, even pampered, but because we aren't dreaming, we are also desperate and depressed. Drawing on a variety of sources, ranging from academic studies to pop culture, dare to dream encourages us to dream. And then to act on our dreams.


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