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November 19, 2011


What a beautiful post. There are times I walk into the house, with all the bags, soccer bags, papers, sweatshirts all over the place and I could scream and the I remember in a few short years everything can be nice and tidy and I will sorely miss the chaos. Being a mom is the hardest job, the most rewarding and one of the least really appreciated in our society. There is nothing like the smell, touch, sound of your child...heaven on earth.

Thank you for sharing this lovely post. The best time in my life as well. I raised my son (now 21) with the idea that anything is possible, but even more importantly, to believe in himself and trust his own gut. I am now amazed at his ability to make his own decisions confidently, and bounce back from adversity as life deals him twists and turns. It is the most you can hope for as a mom.

You may enjoy this similar reflection on possibilities in my Mother's Day memory, "Strawberries on Toast"

Beautifully written. Thanks.

What an incredible, sweet and confident message. Thank you for sharing so eoquently.

Lee, you are an inspiration & your girls reflect the beautiful family and environment they are growing up in. I love your thoughts in this post. I feel the same way about treasuring this fleeting time raising my children. It's priceless.

thanks for sharing, and Lee is a fantastic cook and so creative. She really CAN do ANYTHING!

Thanks, Whitney and Lee, for helping me hear such an important message--set of messages. The power of a dream to adjust, the different lessons that words bring different people at different stages, and the importance of recognizing small moments of dream fruition.

I can vouch to the fact that Lee can do anything. I've seen her in action styling a photo shoot, parenting, contributing insightful ideas and just being Lee. Love ya sweetheart! ;)

Lee--I have to say that I laughed when I read this, given that you're giving birth in five more days! Wonderful post, my friend.

Beautiful. I could picture the moment in my mind and it made me more aware and appreciative of moments like that in my home. Thanks!

Lee I knew your mom and agree that she made it all infectious and wonderful. She used to attend my institute class and made the best creme brulee. At her suggestion my second daughter looked into nursing for a career path. I feel this off connection with you as I have the Dunham cookbook and make many of the delicious contents that were in your mother's and your kitchen.

And I think it is pretty neat that you have embraced this time in your life without any regrets. It does go all too quickly and then you can do the next part.

Thanks for sharing Lee. Give Whitney a hug from me and we can prove yet again how small the world has become.

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  • When I took a sabbatical from Wall Street to pursue a different dream and help others live theirs, I learned that women in the U.S. may be placated, even pampered, but because we aren't dreaming, we are also desperate and depressed. Drawing on a variety of sources, ranging from academic studies to pop culture, dare to dream encourages us to dream. And then to act on our dreams.


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