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March 23, 2012



The takeaways from this post are significant. As I re-read it (yes, I needed to go through twice...) I realized the absolute truth to what you say about authors "not being able to do it all."

For many of us, that's a tough nut to crack; we're used to doing... and doing a lot! Thank you for the insight, information and swift kick in the rear to build the team and the structure to engage a larger audience with the work we have finished.

Oh, one more thing to add from here at Cleveland Hopkins Airport: The Hudson's Bookseller store manager loved it when I went in and offered to sign all the books she had in stock this morning.



Thanks for sharing this with your community (and me too!) here on your blog. Good stuff!

I love that you shared this with us! Thank you, just marvelous. Wishing you the very best!

Great post, Becky. Beautifully written (you are a talented writer in your own right) and excellent advice. Most authors learn as they go and I'm so happy that Whitney has connected with you early enough to take advantage of what you have to offer. It was too late for me to do it "right" with the release of the 2nd edition of Full Steam Ahead last spring. But I'm lucky that I did connect with you several weeks before the launch and that I was able to do a partial campaign. Your advice and support were invaluable. I remember getting a tweet from Whitney "Your campaign is so clever," however by that point, it wasn't "my campaign" anymore because it had taken on a life of it's own. It took two blog posts to share my experience, what I had learned and express my gratitude. One of the most amazing lessons was taking your advice and asking for help. (The Real Success Was Something I Hadn't Anticipated ) Even today I am filled with gratitude as I recall how many people came forward to offer support in their own unique, and sometimes creative, way. I am smarter now and for my next book, I will call you as I begin to write. Love your analogy about planting the bulbs in the fall.

And please do call on me to help out - it would be a pleasure!

Thanks for sharing Becky! The post reveals your expertise as well as your heart in what you do. You are sensitive to the feelings that are experienced during an important launch and provide encouragement at the moments of inadequacy that seems to hit all of us. Thank for your post. I enjoyed it!


I just want you to know, that even before your book launch, I have followed your advice. I have done the things that you have suggested. I have disrupted myself, I have dared, I have dreamed, and I'm doing what I wanted to do. All thanks to you and the wonderful ideas that you made available to go inside my head.

Within the last 6 months I have changed my job and was fortunate enough to get my dream job. But you know what I realized once I reached this goal? I haven't stopped dreaming. My dream isn't over and there is so much more to do.

I love this blog and I read it frequently. Honestly, I wish there was more of it on a daily basis. I believe in myself in a different way now and I believe in new possibilities that I had not considered before.

I will buy your book when it comes out and you better believe I will be sharing this information with my friends - I already have.

Thank you. Thank you for being you and following your dreams and helping mine along. You are a wonderful example to me and I'm so grateful!


A loyal dreamer

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  • When I took a sabbatical from Wall Street to pursue a different dream and help others live theirs, I learned that women in the U.S. may be placated, even pampered, but because we aren't dreaming, we are also desperate and depressed. Drawing on a variety of sources, ranging from academic studies to pop culture, dare to dream encourages us to dream. And then to act on our dreams.


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