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April 07, 2012


Atta Girl, Alice!!


Such a great post, and such great work you're doing.

I have seen, many times, that when someone (as you have) takes issue with an inconsistency, or points out that something significant has been overlooked, the reaction is essentially what we see here:

1) stop making such a fuss
2) what you're saying isn't true (or doesn't matter anyway).

Rarely do people/organizations actually meet us head on, substantively, by addressing the facts or attempting to SPECIFICALLY address the positions on both sides of the issue.

Why? Generally, I think, it's because they can't, i.e. they know the one who's raised the issue IS right. So all they can do is resort to 1 and 2 above. And, of course, 1 and 2 above are easier. Addressing the positions on both sides of the issue is hard work.

I admire what you're doing. Great post.


Atta girl Alice! Thank you for what you are doing and for opening my eyes.

This problem, is far deeper than it seems. The foundations lie at the very route of the progression from girl to womanhood and boy to manhood. The majority of teenage girls lay themselves open to be dominated by guys. They actively encourage it for the sake of 'peer pressure'. It goes hand in hand with sexual awakening - this is the time when gender actually starts to mean something.

Girls manipulate this for attention and self-esteem to compete with their peers. They dress up older, they attract themselves for sexual power and confuse their young lustful emotions with the expectations of 'fantasy love' they see on disney. There's such a fine gap between childhood and adulthood.

In the minds of men, this is used for their own sexual power. It's almost subconscious. 'Laddish' behaviour amongst their own peers almost excuses and justifies their attitude towards woman. Woman become a 'practical' use - sex, cooking, cleaning, etc.

What happens next is that this attitude evolves into manhood. They still see woman in the way they were as teenagers mentally. Woman have empowered them with a moral highground by way of their surrender at the time when they were awakening their own gender identity. It becomes a vicious circle.

More needs to be done in schools towards life skills at a very early age where this equality needs to be conditioned before the sexual/gender awakening starts. Then the shock of puberty wont merit such an emotional shock. It is a slow process but not impossible. Girls need to believe in THEMSELVES as equal long before puberty starts before this will ever change.

Hindsight is only powerful in retrospect.

So impressed with the strength of resolve and clarity of vision in the story. Thanks Whitney for amplifying Alice's great work.

Great stuff, Alice!

As one of the original supporters of the, I'm very pleased to see how it's going. The force-joining with Ultraviolet is wonderful, too. (I mentioned in a comment on the Ms. blog a few days ago that it would be natural to combine forces here.)

My own writing about this issue at Facebook includes

Why Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg must resign, at

Sex, war and boardrooms: Sheryl Sandberg as a modern day Lysistrata, at

I've also written on the meritocracy argument, and endlessly on the quality issue. Keep at it!!

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  • When I took a sabbatical from Wall Street to pursue a different dream and help others live theirs, I learned that women in the U.S. may be placated, even pampered, but because we aren't dreaming, we are also desperate and depressed. Drawing on a variety of sources, ranging from academic studies to pop culture, dare to dream encourages us to dream. And then to act on our dreams.


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