I'd love your help in encouraging others to dare to dream. If you have a blog or website, and would like to include a dare to dream button, you can use either of the buttons below. Copy the code below the button size you'd like to use, and paste that code into your blog or website.
<a href="http://www.daretodream.typepad.com"><img src="https://daretodream.typepad.com/dtd_165x165banner.gif" alt="" width="165" height="165" /></a>
<a href="http://www.daretodream.typepad.com"><img src="https://daretodream.typepad.com/dtd_125x125banner.gif" alt="" width="125" height="125" /></a>
Hello! I just read a blog post recommended by my sister, from April 8, 2009. It was a tale of the handless maiden. I simply loved it. She sent me the link, because she is in a Jungian group in St. Louis and I have shared my entrepreneurial intentions with her. I am about to leap (for the third time in my career) into the unknown place where I proclaim how the 55-60 hours each week that are devoted to others' causes will be replaced with my dreams as the feature, along with some volunteer work that feeds my soul. Your blog is inspiring, and I intend to follow it :) My blog is [email protected], should you wish to start a reading exchange.
Posted by: Tess Denton | November 08, 2010 at 07:45 PM